Viewpoint: “Dear oh Dear” 29th April
Dear sir,

Congratulations to Ray Fleming for pointing out that the best contribution the Labour opposition has during Prime Minister question time is ‘goading' and ‘rough asides'. What a great own goal.

I was watching Prime Ministers question time on Wednesday and no sooner was a question asked of the Prime Minister the Opposition benches erupted before he was allowed to reply and continued to do so as he responded. As ever the Labour opposition refuse to listen – something they excelled at in Government. It is interesting that Ray forgot to mention that the Prime Minister had used the popular advertising phrase of ‘Calm down dear' on a previous occasion to calm a male Member of Parliament who was similarly agitated.

It was also interesting that Ray omitted to say that whilst he used the phrase on several occasions they were not all directed at Ms Eagle, but at Mr Balls who was close to bursting a blood vessel.

However, if Ms Eagle has to harangue the Prime Minister in a manner befitting a fishmonger's wife at Billingsgate, then perhaps ‘Calm down dear' was indeed a polite way treat someone who chooses not to listen and should show some respect to the Prime Minister, yet some how is unable to do so.

I think it was rather apt and amusing - which is what the Opposition benches are. Effective opposition should have more substance than ‘goading' and ‘rough asides' don't you think?

Andy Pratt, Palma

A New Queen of Hearts
The pomp and ceremony, the crescendo of noise, Diana looks down at one of her boys.
Today is the day William marries his Kate, Watched by the world as they seal their fate.
The love on his face is plain to see, Five months ago he went down on one knee, To propose to his girl, our future queen, The most beautiful monarch this country has seen.
The Bishop pronounces them “Man and Wife,” And a former commoner begins a new life, Prince Charles looks on, today a proud dad, But without our Diana, the day is quite sad.
God bless you Diana, your work is now done, You were put on this earth, to give us your son, A new age has dawned, a brand new start, For this is the day, we have a new Queen of Hearts.
God bless you Diana
Long live Queen Kate
Poem submitted by
Kevin Paul Woodrow
Bath and Magalluf