By Jason Moore

LABOUR leader Ed Miliband has a short memory. After his party´s local election victory on Friday he accused the coalition government of putting Britain back into recession. Perhaps, I should enlighten him about the economic mess which the coalition discovered when they took office two years ago, left by the Labour Party. Britain was effectively bankrupt thanks to the over-spending of former colleagues. There was no money in the Treasury and the majority of spending plans had to be cancelled. Two years later, and indeed Britain is back in recession no thanks in part to the European debt crisis, which has hit Britain´s principal export market hard and Labour´s over spending. But Britain has maintained its Triple AAA debt rating, continues to economically outperform the Euro zone, and sterling is at a two year high against the euro. Unfortunately Mr. Miliband when you are in government you have to take tough decisions but hopefully you will never be in that position!