Etiqueta 'Sant Sebastià fiestas'
Animal blessings in Muro for Sant Antoni


Sant Antoni: The accidental and unofficial saint of Mallorca

Fifteen years ago, Felip Munar, professor of popular culture at the University of the Balearic Islands, argued that the day of Sant Antoni (January 17) should be a public holiday in the Balearics and especially in Mallorca.

Andrew Ede16/01/2024 15:33

Sant Sebastia fiestas in Palma


Sant Sebastia in Palma: Who will be performing in each square?

The concerts take over different squares in the city to offer music for all tastes and ages.

Christina BuchetMDB Digital12/01/2024 12:34

The streets in Palma were closed to traffic during the Three King's parade


Bitter sweet in Palma

“The Palma city council has got to do something about the traffic during the Three Kings parade...”

Jason Moore12/01/2024 10:23

Concert for the Saint Sebastian fiestas in Palma, Mallorca

Concert for the Saint Sebastian fiestas in Palma, Mallorca

Different musical styles for the various stages.

Jaume Morey 15/11/2023

Demons' correfoc for the Sant Sebastiá fiestas in Palma, Mallorca

Demons' correfoc for the Sant Sebastiá fiestas in Palma, Mallorca

Demons' correfoc for the Sant Sebastiá fiestas.

Julian Aguirre 25/01/2023

Sant Sebastia fiestas in Palma

Sant Sebastia fiestas in Palma

A concert for Sant Sebastian at Plaza Cort.

M.A. CAÑELLAS 19/01/2023

El Drac de na Coca leaves Palma City Hall

El Drac de na Coca leaves Palma City Hall

Images of the Drac de na Coca, which left Palma City Hall accompanied by a batucada, which led it to Plaça Major. The city of Palma is celebrating the Revetla de Sant Sebastià, which has officially begun with the departure of the Gegants i Capgrossos de la Sala and the lighting of the Fogueró in Plaça Mayor by the Drac de na Coca.

Youtube: Europa Press 19/01/2023