The popularity is only relatively recent. | Tomás Montes


Palma Cathedral has dubbed it the 'Festival of Light' and it occurs twice a year on days that are equal numbers before and after the winter solstice. Candlemas, February 2, is in fact the origin of this festival name. Going back to the sixth century, Candlemas was the festival of light.

The phenomenon of the reflection made by light passing through the main rose window two times a year is now so popular that it is hard to believe that this popularity is comparatively recent. In 2007, the Balearic Mathematics Society drew attention to a phenomenon that had been occurring for centuries but which didn't attract many people. Around twenty people gathered in 2007. This Sunday there were very many more, not far off the Cathedral's 2,500 capacity.

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The 'Vuit de la Seu', the 'eight' of the Cathedral, is formed by the reflection under the smaller window. It is argued that this is the consequence of mediaeval architectural genius. An alternative argument is that it is entirely fortuitous.

Whether genius or not, a clear morning is necessary. On Sunday there was a good deal of cloud. There were brief glimpses but not a steady reflection until shortly before 9am, the spectators having been admitted at 8am. It lasted some five minutes.

The next appearance of the eight, cloud permitting, will as ever be on November 11, the feast of Saint Martin.