I own a villa on the island . It is nice to see that the powers-that-be are going to try and increase flights to the island during the winter period. Over the past five years my family and I have been coming through November to March on an average of once a month . We fly from Stanstead but flight availability does not allow us to take a five day break. Whilst we do not eat out all of the time we will use local shops, bars and cafe on a regular basis. The island is loosing this trade because of the flight situation.

We are only one family how many more have the same view?. Additionally, because of the ever increasing cost of car hire we have purchased a car on the island. This venture will mean that the car will pay for itself. It also means that on arrival I can pick up my car and be on my way to my villa in 10 minutes and not waste anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes trying to pick up a hire car it is gratifying to see that.

If tourist industry are looking at ways to get 80% of something as opposed to 100% of nothing maybe the car hire industry should do the same.
Whist all the offers of discounts to the airlines is good news, it is only good if it is reflected in a better flying programme and the reduction in ticket prices.

Regards J.G. Minor