Dear Sir, I have just heard that the eco tax in Majorca has been scrapped, and that the new government believes that more golf courses and bigger roads are the way to expand revenue for the island. I'm very sorry to hear this.
As a lover of the island and everything to do with its history and culture, I did not begrudge for a second paying something that I knew was being ringfenced for the good of one of the most diverse and beautiful islands in the world. I always felt it odd that the hoteliers were against it - surely improving their island and bringing in more environmentally aware (and frequently bigger spending) customers was for their good? Sure the multinational chains opposed it - they wanted the holiday euro in their German and English bank accounts. In an article in The Observer it stated that German visitors were down last year, and that this was being partially blamed on the eco tax.
Since German travellers (in my experience) seem to take a much greater interest in the “real” Majorca compared to the average Brit, I find this hard to believe.

I just hope that the new government carries on the investment in the island that has shown such massive improvements in people's perceptions of Majorca and in the differences it's made to resorts that could have continued to be nothing but cash cows for greedy hoteliers and travel companies.

Dan Atkinson
