BULLETIN readers continue to show their outrage over the new certificates which have replaced our residencias.

Dear Mr. Moore, Along with many other British residents we are more than happy to give our support to any campaign that allows us to keep our I.D. cards. In spite of decrees from Brussels, surely we are all entitled to exercise our right as individuals to choose to keep our I.D. cards if we so wish. JP, Majorca

Dear Sir, Please take this as a confirmation of our support of your campaign re the retention of the present Residencia as against the Brussels inspired certificate. I believe the vast majority of the non Spanish european residents on the Island will also want to support this campaign.

M. & D.C., Majorca

Dear Editor, I refer to your editorial in the Daily Bulletin of Saturday 9 June 2007 regarding the new residence certificates which have replaced our ”normal” residencias.

I fully support your stand that the new situation is a nonsense. The old residencias were essential as a convenient form of identification which could be carried in one's wallet and easily used when paying by credit card in shops etc. My identification with the Hacienda, my bank, my driving licence and a host of other essentials are all linked to the good old residencia. This is a subject where a concerted approach should be made to the Spanish Government by the new British Ambassador to Spain together with the local Consul here in Majorca. I would support such an initiative.

RL, Majorca

Dear Sir, I am Dutch and recently went up for the new certificate. Fortunately I already inquired at the Policia Nacional on the Paseo Mallorca, and received the necessary forms which I filled in at home. Of course I was ignorant that I had to pay at the bank first, you would think that you can pay there, so I raced over there, but that is beside the point.

The point is that those idiots in Brussels are good for nothing. Look at the drivers licence, in Germany you get it for life, in Holland for 10 years and Spain 5 years. VAT,IVA,BTW is everywhere different. Close Brussels down please and fast! You have my full support, MH, Majorca

Dear Sir, I definitely want the residencia card restored, I do daily purchases and when I am on the beach or swimming I don't want to leave my passport on the beach! What do people do whose countries ( Europe ) have no identity card , I believe it is law to carry one at all times, and our government says that Britons should safeguard their passports. A fat lot of good with so many illegal immigrants wanting them.

YP, Majorca