by Frank Leavers

Frank Leavers raises some interesting points in his column this week (See Page 18) on what Majorcans think of British holidaymakers and to some extent expatriates. My experience is that the majority of Majorcans are not impressed by the drunken antics of some British tourists in Magalluf. Infact, some have said to me that they would be more than prepared to exchange Magalluf for Gibraltar! Punta Ballena, the main strip in Magalluf, was recently dubbed the most notorious street in Spain by a Spanish television TV report. I don´t particularly share this view. I believe that Magalluf is a “fun resort” aimed at young people and you get what it says on the can. But as Frank says in his column, the British do have a problem and the yobbish behaviour by a small minority has done little to endear the British to the local population. As a teenager when some Majorcans discovered that I was British you were often labelled as a “hooligan.” Unfortunately the antics of some led to the label for all. When you speak to Majorcans at length about Britain, the general concensus of opinion is that London is a great place, the food is awful and the country is rather grey. But it is the tradition and pomp and ceremony which Majorcans most admire. When I first came to Majorca the majority of Majorcans still believed that people went to work in London in a bowler hat! The British need to work on their behaviour abroad, it is getting us a bad name!