Dear Sir, What a nonsense letter from the Bonsalls (reader´s letters, Tuesday). Israel gave up Gaza to enable the Palestinians to to construct their own peaceful state. The response was to use Gaza as a launch pad for rockets designed to indiscriminarely kill as many Israeli civilians as possible. All the Israelis want is for the rockets to stop. As for being a military state, what else can you be when surrounded by enemies who seek your destruction?

30'000 Afghans have been killed for the loss of 200 British soldiers. Proportionality, Dr.Bonsall? Where were your letters when the rockets were falling on Israel?


Sta. Eugenia.

Dear Sir, THROUGH the pages of your newspaper the Lions Club of Calvià would like to thank all those readers who made donations to the club's food collection during December.

The generosity of shoppers at the two Eroski stores in Santa Ponsa was such that the Lions collected non-perishable food items to the value of more than 2'500€. The food was delivered to the Zaqueo homeless refuge in Palma, which feeds more than 100 people daily, and to the Convento de San Pedro in Calvià, from where the nuns distribute to the poor.

The food collection took place on two consecutive Saturdays when Lions members, stationed outside the two supermarkets, asked customers for their help. The result was extremely positive and so, thanks to all those who donated, many of the poorer people in the Palma and Calvià areas benefited.

The Lions Club of Calvià works to help those in need on Majorca. Its membership is drawn from several nationalities and it is the only English-speaking Lions club on the island.

Emily Saunders
Public Relations Officer,

Lions Club of Calvià