BY Jason Moore

WHAT is the best known British brand? Well the Duke of Edinburgh calls it “the firm” but it is more commonly known as the British royal family. The royal family define, Britain, for most of the world. Just look at the royal wedding, two billion people watched the event worldwide. Now, imagine if the royal family had a royal yacht selling Great Britain PLC across the globe?

This is a fantastic idea and I am sure that a new Britannia would easily earn its keep and probably operate at a profit. I have heard that many lucrative export contracts for British firms were won simply because a reception was held on the Britannia. Now, a new royal yacht would cost around 100 million pounds and most of this money would come from private donations from businesspeople who agree that Britain needs a royal yacht. It could be a showcase for British industry. Now using taxpayer´s money to finance the project is always going to be controversial but I prefer the Queen getting a new yacht than pointless and costly investigations into media standards or even the Iraq war. If the general public understands that a royal yacht will be an important tool to sell British products then I am sure that many would support the idea. The latest Royal Navy destroyer (of which six are being built) cost one billion pounds each, the cost of 10 royal yachts. What would be more useful yet another destroyer or a royal yacht? I let you decide.