For the second time, in as many weeks, may I congratulate Hugh Ash, for his masterly exposition and analysis of the Israel-Palestinian conundrum, that encapsulated concisely, the intractable nature of the problems imposed by the refusal of the Palestinians to recognise the State of Israel, an absurd, illogical instance, as the said State has been in existence for 64 years, and, more to the point, recognised as such by the majority of nations in the civilised world. Hugh Ash's article should be required reading for those who deny the intrinsic facts recorded in it the self-evident truths portrayed. I would not alter a paragraph, a sentence, a phrase, or a line , or word, that will, I hope, will enlighten the Guardianistas and loony left identified by Mr. Ash. Thank you again.

Yours Sincerely, Phil Green, El Toro