Dear Sir, I HAVE travelled through Palma Airport for many years and realise the necessity for change with the introduction of the new security measures restricting access to passengers only beyond check–in. I would however like to make the following constructive criticisms of the new regime. Having joined the long queue for security, passengers are hardly likely to leave it to visit the only newspaper and magazine store which is tucked away just before security. To my knowledge you cannot purchase a newspaper or magazine beyond security which I find ludicrous for a major airport. The other criticism is that plastic trays used to place your belongings through the machines are stacked on desks away from the x–ray machines. There are no desks near to the machines where you can place the trays down to unload your personal belongings. The belts for the machines are on the floor with less than a metre of belt which runs constantly so you place the tray on the belt and it runs through as you try and unload into it. I know people will say you should unload into the tray while you stand in the queue but this is not practical, especially for the elderly. When the tray goes through the machine it falls off the other end onto the floor as the belt again only a metre long and cannot cope with the volume of trays and bags goiing through it. I presume that a job lot of unwanted and unpractical new x–ray machines have been purchased and wonder what was wrong with the original ones. I saw an elderly man on two walking sticks struggle so badly to cope with this situation with no help being offered from security staff and felt compelled to write to your newspaper in an effort to highlight the problem.
Chris Brient, By Email
Dear Sir,
YET again another tourist has been injured crossing the road in Playa de Muro this time a father and child knocked down; I do not know the exact details of this accident but how many more do we have to see mowed down on this road between the “Magic” roundabout and the “English bridge.” We need pedestrian crossings like they have in Ca'n Picafort controlled by the person crossing with a stop light for drivers. We have so few crossings on this stretch of road and as a driver they are very badly lit and most of them need repainting I have stopped only to be over taken by another driver very nearly knocking the persons over.
Sylvia Warr