Dear Editor, I refer to the Reverend Ellis's column in Friday's paper and his frequent use of the word “fart” not only in the headline, but several times throughout the column. I am surprised that a Man of the Cloth, and indeed, a clearly well-educated columnist and extremely articulate writer should indeed use this particular word; furthermore, I must express my utmost concern that in a daily publication that is being read by a wide section of the ex-patriate community, it may well be that many readers will be quite offended. I write, therefore, to register my complaint that I didn't use it first as I have found this island to be replete with BOF's who bore the pants off me. In fact, on reading the Rev's column, I have discovered that I too, am becoming a proper BOF and I would respectfully suggest that a club be formed immediately with this irreverent Reverend as the Chairman. Absolutely brilliant and hilarious! Best wishes, Norman MacLeod, Managing Director,