Dear Sir,
 I must disagree with Tuesday’s editorial where it was suggested that foreigners who don’t vote are old fashioned and haven’t kept up with the times.  
I think it shows exactly the opposite, and mirrors what is happening in the rest of the democratic world, where civic duty is being substituted by a lack of faith and cynicism in today’s politicians who are mainly interested in how they can benefit themselves, witness for instance our MEP’s , and more locally, will sign a pact with the devil, allowing them to participate in the sharing of power, when only a few days before the election, this idea was heresy.  Until politicians and political parties realise that the man in the street is a lot smarter than they are given credit for, the disenchantment in them will keep on increasing whilst votes will keep on decreasing, both here and “abroad”, where most spaniards who are involved in politics would prefer us to be in the first place.
Yours sincerely,
Simon C Tow