Pixie Skase, as her late husband Christopher would have wanted, was strong until the very end, which came yesterday at the former Australian businessman's funeral at Bon Sosec crematorium on the outskirts of Palma. It was a very private and peaceful affair, as the family wanted, and after the ceremony, son-in-law Tony Larkins thanked the international media pack for having respected the family's wishes and given them all space to grieve, in particular Pixie. Sadly only part of the family had been able to make it to Majorca, where Skase died on Sunday night. Those living in Australia did not have enough time to make it to the funeral. A large wreath was placed next to Skase's coffin and a score of letters, cards and notes were placed along the top. The solemn and dignified funeral marked the end of a ten-year fight by the Australian authorities to get Skase back to Australia for questioning in connection with the collapse of his $1.5 billion business empire.