The more than 90'000 euros raised by the Robert Winsor golf tournaments have been put to good use by a number of leading local charities. The presentation took place yesterday at the Santa Ponsa country Club, in a very moving ceremony attended by some of the people who will benefit from the equipment. Robert Winsor said that it was one of the happiest days of his life. Items which have been bought using the money from the tournaments include a large number of state of the art wheel chairs, a mini bus, which was especially designed, and a whole series of other equipment. Here are the charities which have benefited from the charity celebrity golf tournament. The Association of the Mothers for the Disabled, will be receiving a new kitchen for their centre. ASNIMO, the Down's Syndrome Association of the Balearics has received equipment and other necessities. Other charities who have have benefited include the Association of Autistic Children, Mater Misericordiae and Medica Remex.