THE Centro Canino Internacional dog shelter reports that its appeal for funds to purchase new premises has reached 98'500 euros, and the premises have been found. “We are delighted that the committee of the Centro Canino Internacional Animal Refuge has found an extremely appropriate site for the proposed new Refuge - just outside Palma. At over 360'000 euros, it is too expensive to purchase now, and therefore has been rented with the hope of purchasing at a later date. An architect and lawyer have been employed for planning permissions, and all the other vital permits. “The existing buidings are only basic and in need of complete renovation - roofing, flooring, plumbing - installation of a septic tank and all the drainage connecting to it electric rewiring - complete high and strong fencing of the entire site, and a small living area for someone to safeguard the animals at night - plus of course many more necessities - too numerous to list. We can only hope that the money raised will be sufficient to cover all the costs. Every euro will be accounted for and officially audited. “If you would like to help our fight for the abandoned animals of Majorca, our bank account is Nº 0024 6912 58 06008 12296, Banco de Credito Balear, Box 41, Puerto Portals Nous.” The Centro Canino Internacional has been forced to find new premises as its site in Camino de Jesus is slated to become part of the city's green belt.