Palma.—The 012 regional government telephone information service is to extend its accessibility to the social networking site Twitter from 3rd September, thanks to a modernisation programme to be introduced by the regional government's programme for Quality of Service in Public Administration.

The 012 Twitter account has been set up in collaboration with the Balearics Telematic Innovation company (BITEL) and will provide a comfortable means for people to obtain information about government administration and legislation.

Users will be able to have access to Twitter @121B from 3rd September but in the meantime telephone line 012 will remain active and available to all citizens who may not have access to the internet.

The timetable for consultation on Twitter will be from Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm and Saturday from 9am to 2pm. Questions received from the public will be answered the next working day.

Over the past 12 months, 012 has received 138'000 calls, an averge of 11'500 a month.