The Balearic Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Antoni Mesquida said yesterday that his department has as yet no specific plans of how the old Son Dureta hospital should be used, adding that the future of the General and Joan March hospitals in Palma is still unclear. He said that in the case of the General and Joan March, the government wants them to continue functioning under present conditions.

Speaking at a Parliamentary meeting yesterday, Mesquida, who is new to the post of Minister, said that it had not yet been decided what the “nature of reform at the old Son Dureta hospital” would be. Consideration, he said, was still being given to prolonging the life of the Joan March and General hospitals. He said that as of 2013, negotiations would open again with Central Government about privatisation. Majorcan Socialist MP Fina Santiago said that she felt “ashamed of Parliament” that it has taken a year to reach a decision of “not knowing what to do” with Son Dureta. “It's poor show that the Health Minister has no ideas about it,” she said.