By Humphrey Carter

FEW of you will disagree but it is official, last year was one of the wettest years since 1970 in Majorca.
It was the month of torrential rains in September which tipped the balance.
According to Agusti Jansa, the Director of the Balearic Meteorological Office, 172 litres per square metre or more of rain fell in Majorca than usual last September.

In Ibiza, 204 litres per square metre was recorded, well above the September average of 54 litres and in Minorca, where the monthly average rainfall for September is 54 litres per square metre, 193 litres were registered.

Jansa explained that total rainfall at Palma airport for last year was 546 litres making 2009 the second wettest year since 1970.
In 2002, 558 litres of rain was recorded.
However, last year may have been a wet one, but it was also slightly warmer than usual.
The weather centre boss said that while last winter was “hard”, Spring and Summer were much hotter than normal.
He explained that temperatures were 1ºC higher than usual “and though it may sound very little but in terms of meteorology, one degree is a significant increase” he added.