By Humphrey Carter THE homicide squad is investigating the mysterious and bloody death of an Argentine builder in Manacor. Thirty five year old Eriet Dant Acosta was found dead yesterday morning when work mates broke down the door to the property they were reforming in the town - but detectives say that the Argentine died on Wednesday night. He was last seen by his boss who he had asked for a sub. The contractor left Acosta at the site while he went to find an automatic cash dispenser but when he returned found the building site all closed up. He assumed that either Acosta had closed up and gone home or changed his mind about the money. However, the Argentine, who police have learnt was suffering from depression and financial problems and had been acting strangely, was inside the property in calle Veronica. Police sources revealed yesterday that the 35-year-old suffered a fatal cut to his throat. He then fell from the second floor, decapitating himself on an electric saw. The blade was found covered in blood. When police first reached the scene yesterday, murder was suspected. However, that was discarded by mid-morning and police say they are dealing with either a work accident or suicide - the latter the police suspect is the likely cause because the electric saw was un-plugged and the outer door locked. Yesterday, as the homicide team searched the scene, word of the incident spread quickly through Manacor, where the victim lived, leaving the community shocked by the bloody event.