THE Council of Majorca will shortly award the contract for two large resurfacing projects for roads on the island, the budget for which will be 2.7 million euros, funded by the national Ministry of Public Administration (MAP). The first project will affect a stretch of the Inca-Manacor road, from the Sineu-Santa Margalida roundabout to the Petra intersection, 10 kilometres in total. According to Gonzalo Aguiar, the Council's director for Roads, the surface of this stretch is worn out and fairly slippery. “It is too smooth and this is dangerous for drivers”, he said. The work will consist of applying a dry anti slip material as has been done on many of the island's roads. This project will have a budget of 1.7 million euros. The second project will be to improve the road which runs from the new Manacor bypass to the local hospital. This road is in a poor state and its improvement is not only necessary but has been demanded by various residents groups in the town. This work will cost around one million euros.