Palma.—The Partido Popular has set up a Commission for European Residents and as part of its election campaign made a concerted effort to listen to the concerns of the European community and published a manifesto in English clearly outlining what it intends to do to address the issues the European community are most worried about.


1 We will simplify the procedures and administration to make bureaucracy simpler, eliminating unnecessary red tape and providing legal security to businesses and the public, as well as giving priority to new technologies in our communications with the citizens.

2 We will adopt a series of transparent measures in management which include; the setting up of guidelines with respect to limiting the remuneration of those in government and politicians with respect to their responsibilities and duties. We will give maximum publicity to their remuneration and the assets and equity of all those in senior positions, including ‘hand-picked' staff.

3We will create a European Residents Bureau in the Balearic Islands which will constitute a forum for meetings and the integration of the numerous associations representing these citizens into Balearic society.


1We will promote Municipal Markets and foster the trade of local quality products to reactivate the economy from a commercial and productive viewpoint. Moreover, we shall carry out fidelity campaigns for local businesses, tourism and cruises. Similarly, we shall also promote the Balearic Islands as a destination for shopping, culture, leisure and gastronomy.

1We will expand both musical and stage performances and provide a guarantee to the viewing public of continuity and quality.
2We will also promote the Opera season in Menorca and, in the case of Majorca, we shall foster one of similar quality in line with the facilities provided by the Teatre Principal.

3We will support the creation of a Maritime Museum, with a view to recovering and disseminating the enormous maritime heritage and history of the Balearic Islands, (vessels, professions, history, underwater archaeology, etc).

4We will promote art in general and in particular, the plastic arts, using criteria which put artistic quality and public demand before the individual preferences of organisers and politicians.

1We completely support the organisation of significant sporting events, as these add extra value to our tourist industry. In addition they enhance the quality, experience and promotional skills in any type of sport, including the minority sports.

1We will create a balanced budget, achieved by rigorous control of expenditure and taxation, which does not deter either enterprising businesses or savers. We will promote the creation of an Office of Budgetary Control to ensure we make the best use of every public euro.

1We will strongly pursue those who commit organised and violent crime, including trafficking in human-beings, drug trafficking, burglary in homes, businesses and industrial estates, financial fraud, gender violence, child pornography, etc.

2We will introduce the figure of the police officer/tutor in all town halls with a view to taking preventive steps concerning problems arising from the new society in which our youth live. We shall also expand the role of community police, given their special knowledge of the area in which they work and we shall redefine the role of the tourist police so that it is clearly adapted to the functions they are meant to perform.

1We will foster and improve the management of protected natural areas, mainly those which are public estates, nature reserves and the Cabrera National Park.

2We will create new recreational areas which enable controlled contact with Nature.
3We will continue with the species protection programmes. We will pay special attention to endemic species, caring for their habitats and we shall control competing and invasive species.

4We will elaborate a project for the protection of pets which will include training events, the adaptation of the necessary facilities for abandoned dogs, and a programme which will avoid their being put down unnecessarily. This programme must involve all the Animal Protection Agencies and Associations and should involve a large number of volunteers from among the European community.

1We will promote a stable and clear regulatory framework, which will enable its application without grey areas of an arbitrary nature but which will respect the particular characteristics of each island, the needs of access to dwellings whilst containing and properly controlling urban growth.

2Planning permission procedures and the granting of licenses, will be dealt with more rapidly, reducing procedures and simplifying paperwork, creating interdepartmental cooperation which will permit better coordination. We will establish objective public criteria giving guidelines to developers and the relevant public administration with regard to the processing of plans and projects.

1We will promote prevention as the most effective tool within the community with regard to, drug addiction, social exclusion, gender violence and anti-social behaviour.

2We will promote ‘home care', by means of the home help service, meals on wheels and tele-assistance; simple yet fundamental mechanisms for the care and support of the elderly and disabled in their habitual surroundings. This is why we must, in collaboration and co-ordination with our town halls, increase, improve and specialise these services.

3We will create an Entity of European Associations dedicated to helping the elderly of European nationality. This Entity will be the link and contact point between the administration and the associations representing this collective. The objective must be that of helping them to solve their problems and to integrate them into the existing Federation of Senior Citizens.

1We will reduce waiting lists at all levels, bringing specialists to health centres, facilitating the job of the family doctor and avoiding patients having to travel to out-patients' departments at hospitals.

2We will set up a healthcare system that is modern, of quality, economically sustainable and efficient. It will involve healthcare professionals in teamwork and in the day-to-day running of the service. By applying new technologies and making organisational changes, we will be able to rationalise expenditure.

3We will bring in specialised translators to all health centres, in the numbers, at the times and in the languages that are necessary, in line with the number of users at each centre.

1We will strengthen the existing Consortium of Insular Transport, which will enable the co-ordination of journeys and timetables among intercity bus routes, trains, city buses and underground. A one-for-all ticket could be created.

2We will prioritise the extension of existing marinas rather than the construction of new ones, without excluding this possibility, in specifically chosen locations, with a view to meeting both the existing and future demand which the constantly developing fleet of recreational vessels brings.

3As a complement and alternative to fixed nautical-sporting facilities we will foster;the construction of public launching ramps in all ports and specific locations on the coast that meet the appropriate conditions, the installation of fixed mooring buoys in areas with large numbers of visitors or in areas where the seabed requires special protection against vessels using their own anchors.

The construction of dry marinas in areas where their visual impact permits this.

1We will promote the modernisation of tourist accommodation with regard to hotels or apartments, favouring the construction of top quality establishments or the redefining of the categories of those that can be improved and as a result create a new offer. With respect to holiday homes; certain minimum levels of quality must apply
2Modernisation of the restaurant sector will be initiated, especially those which are not well adapted to the requirements of the quality of current demand which is essential nowadays.

To achieve this, financial aid schemes will be established as will tax incentives, within the support schemes for small and medium-sized businesses and for self-employed business people.

3Golfing tourism development will be supported, even by increasing the current offer, where new facilities are compatible with the conservation of the environment.

4The most suitable solutions for nautical tourism will be researched, establishing new moorings where possible and extending the distribution of anchorages on the coast.

5With respect to the nautical industry and nautical tourism, we will carry out those actions necessary to become more competitive with respect to other Regions and other European countries. This will be done in collaboration with the sector.

6We will endeavour to improve the conditions for the development of cycling tourism in both its categories; the cycling tourist and the professional and amateur cyclist keen on road cycling. In the case of the former, increasing and improving the network of cycle tracks and, in the latter, making available greater and better road signs and safety on the roads most often used.

7We will support sports such as trekking, Nordic-walking, diving, tennis, canoeing, cricket, bowling, rugby and others, taking advantage of the natural conditions of the island and improving the existing facilities.

1We will urge the Central Government to reinstate the “Residence Permit” as the identity document for European Citizens residing in our Region.