THE Balearic government yesterday approved the allocation of 548'000 euros to installing WiFi connections in schools around the Islands.
The Ministry for Education is aiming to make use of latest technology to sharpen learning practices as part of its modernisation plan for schools and education centres in the region. The contract for the installation of the WiFi links will be awarded this year, said government spokesman Joana Barcelo. The move will make sure that not just computer labs will have access to the internet but all normal classrooms as well.

Barcelo said that the project being undertaken to modernise schools with technology is an important priority for the Balearic government, which, she claimed, wants to see the best possible opportunities given to pupils for personal and academic development. It was important, she said, that students had “equality of access” to new technology to encourage practices of accessing on-line information.

Barcelo added that the State is spending 27 million euros nationwide on this project of classroom improvement which should see computer access promoted from one to every 14 pupils to one for every four. “Children will have sufficient knowledge and skills to contribute to the progress of the Balearic Islands,” she said.