PALMA THE Balearics occupies third place, behind Barcelona and Murcia, in the ranking list for sales of a special cream which protects the skin against jellyfish stings.

This product came onto the market in the year 2002.
However, during the last year sales of this product have tripled.
This is due to the action of the nets which are installed in areas open to the sea. The nets trap the jellyfish, but their tentacles can still break off and remain active in the sea, stinging unsuspecting bathers.

In June, the laboratory which created this product presented another product which, in addition to protecting against jellyfish stings, also protects against the rays of the sun.

Present at the demonstration were various experts and volunteers who, once the product had been applied to their skin, put their arms into a fishtank full of jellyfish to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Jellyfish sting people because they can detect the stimuli given off by human skin. Once these stimuli are detected this causes an increase in the internal pressure of the jellyfish, then the tentacle lashes out with the speed of a bullet, breaking the bather's skin and injecting poison into the body, causing intense itching, a burning pain, oedema in the affected area.

The protection cream acts on four levels: it causes the jellyfish's tentacles to slide over the skin; confuses its sensors so that it thinks it is touching another jellyfish; blocks the communication between the jellyfish sensors and the body; and releases inhibitors to stop the jellyfish launching its tentacle.

To be sure the protection is effective, it is necessary to apply the jellyfish protection cream to dry skin half an hour before going near the jellyfish.

The cream should be applied generously as the jellyfish are capable of detecting the slightest unprotected area and attacking it.
According to the laboratory, if you are stung by a jellyfish you should deactivate the poison and avoid it spreading.
For this it is better to use salt water, never fresh water as this could activate cells which as yet have not been affected.
You should also remove the remains of the sting with tweezers or any other type of object with a pointed end, but do not touch the affected area with your hands.

To relieve the pain of a jellyfish sting you can apply ice to the affected area, rest with the affected part raised above the level of the heart, and take pain killers.