Newsdesk THE trilingual model of education -- in which classes are given in Spanish, Catalan and English -- will be maintained in the 27 schools which introduced it at the start of last year, so that the government can study it as “a pilot project” to determine what is needed to extend it to all the schools in the Balearics.

This was announced yesterday by Barbara Galmes, the Balearic minister of education and culture.
She said that extending the system, introduced by the previous Partido Popular government, means training teachers and also finance, so that “it won't be something which will be done immediately.” “The system will not be extended for the time being, because it only covers one type of school when it should be a universal measure,” Galmes said. She added that the results would be evaluated at the end of primary education.

Galmes also announced that a total of 545 new teachers will be signed up for the new school year.
This will take the number of teachers on the islands to around 13'000.
The teachers were selected from 2'364 candidates who took competitive exams, and the 545 selected teachers now have to be assigned their places.