SPAIN now marks Halloween, the Black Friday discount shopping days have been introduced but some things are sacred such as the Three Kings. Despite endless amounts of  publicity on television and the best efforts of Hollywood Father Christmas has still not taken hold in this country. Even schools appear to be doing their best to push Spaniards towards Father Christmas with pupils  returning for the new term just a day after the Three Kings celebration.But no. The tradition remains strong which in a changing world led by commercialism of the worst kind, is rather refreshing. On Monday thousands of people will pack the streets of Palma for the annual parade which is one of the biggest events organised by the Palma City Council. Presents are exchanged on Christmas Day but the majority of local households leave the best to last,5 January. Spain has changed dramatically in the 30 years I have lived here. My biggest complaint is probably how Palma has become rather  un-Spanish and it is easier to find a pizza restaurant than one which offers typical Spanish food. Retailers have certainly moved forward, as well. Gone are the days where you would find your typical Spanish bar on every street corner. These days there are no shortage of bars but many have a “Made in Italy” feeling and look.  But somethings don´t change and the Three Kings remain as popular now as they were when I was growing up on the island, which is great news.