By Francisco Cortez

Environmental groups and several scientific organisations in the Balearics have voiced their objection to the proposed management plan for Cabrera national park.The government’s new Management Plan is set to increase  leisure facilities  in the area, but the different organisations feel the protection of the park will be considerably reduced.
The Balearic Ornithology and Natural Defense Group explained yesterday that alongside them in protest stand several scientific organisations and environmental groups, the Spanish Oceanography Institute and the Balearic university, who either rejected or abstained the plan  when the draft, which has now been finalised and will undergo final scrutiny from the authorities, was first voted on.
“The new Management plan intensifies public use and in exchange diminishes the protection of the environment,” a spokesperson for the Ornithology Group explained.
“The plan intents to increase the areas where scuba diving is allowed, new docking areas, increase the availability of houses to accommodate visitors, create new infrastructures for public use, opens the door for future concessions, promote sporting events in the area among other projects.”
Environmental protection associations agreed adding that “expanding the park has not been considered as well as increasing the protection areas”.
“No limitations on fishing or maximum visitors to the area have also been taking into account.”