La Residencia in Bonanova. archive photo. | Ultima Hora


28 people have tested positive for coronavirus at four nursing homes or dependent living facilities and three people are reported to have died, two in Mater Misericordiae and one in Sant Miquel.

There are 4,100 people living in care in the Balearic Islands and 2,820 of them are dependent.

On Monday, there were 9 people with Covid-19 at Sant Miquel, including 1 fatality; 12 in Son Tugores plus one nurse, 7 of them are in the UPRA Unit of the Psychiatric Hospital and two in Son Espases. There’s another case in Can Blai, in Ibiza, and 5 in Mater Misericordia, including 2 fatalities.

The Government and the Consell insist that all departments are strictly following public health guidelines.

The President of the Government, Francina Armengol, has said help will be made available if the situation gets worse and is considering the possibility of reducing the qualification requirements in the event of staff shortages.

All confirmed cases of coronavirus are taken to hospital and residents who have been in contact with the patients stay in isolated isolation areas at the same residences.

Every worker who has been in contact with someone who is sick is advised to stay at home and when suppliers deliver supplies or materials their temperature is taken to determine that they’re healthy.