user Jenny | over 7 years ago

Thanks Steve I will try that. I have also discovered Santa Catalina in Palma, wonderful place, very bo-ho.

user Steve Riches | over 7 years ago

Jenny (below) - try walking round to Son Caliu, opposite Mercadona, and along the first street at the back of Olivia Apartments you will find a number of restaurants doing a meal of the day on most days, featuring 3 courses including wine and water for around 10 Euros or less per person. Try Restaurante Olivia or Paco & Mona's for value and quality. Also, Meson Son Caliu on the corner across from the pharmacy does a good meal of the day from 1pm to 4pm weekdays There areally many similar places right across the isand. Palma Nova has a fine beach and some eateries are OK but like anywhere else you need to get off the tourist drag to find value and more local food.

user Ron Burgundy | over 7 years ago

Stop trying to move the goalposts, Simon.Son Moll and Cala Agulla are NOT Cala Rajada. But then you don't live here, so you don't really know much. Secondly, it's not "up to me" how to describe the town of Cala Rajada, it is how the Municipality of Capdepera organises itself. Just because you don't understand that doesn't make it any less true."I obviously know less than Wikipedia which states that there are 78 hotels with 15.528 beds." Like I asked, name ONE hotel in Capdepera. You can't. You'll find them only in the Cala Rajada zone that is without the Llevante Park.And as for you claiming that no trees have re-grown since a forest fire in 1958, well… we'll just leave that comment there for others to decide whether or not you're a moron.

user Jenny | over 7 years ago

Hi sorry new to this site and Majorca. Stumbled across this website whilst looking for things to do in Majorca. As a first time visitor to the Island (staying in Palma Nova) I have to say after 5 days I am underwhelmed. Palma Nova is like a hot Blackpool and I went to Magaluf yesterday lunchtime and it was dead! So far its all a bit ugly and tacky, all the food so far has been 'tourist tapas', can someone please give some advice on whats nice around here as I aint seeing it. Went to Portugal last year and Nice year before, they were much better. Just hope Im missing something and it gets better. So far its all a bit low rent and rubbish bars and food :-(

user Simon Tow | over 7 years ago

Ron, Sorry that should have been Fundacion Bartolome March, his son.For more info regarding Joan March please see www.canverga.comCheers.

user Simon Tow | over 7 years ago

Hi Ron, I was always under the impression that Cala Agulla and Son Moll beaches were in Cala Ratjada. I must be either mistaken or was in the wrong place. How one describes Cala Ratjada is up to you. I thought that village describes a place with around 6.000 people quite well If you care to visit the Fundacion March website you will see that they situate the estate in Cala Ratjada. Maybe you know better than them. By the way it´s Lliteras, not Literals. Re hotels, I obviously know less than Wikipedia which states that there are 78 hotels with 15.528 beds. Maybe you should correct them. Finally, one of my first memories of Cala Ratjada is from around 1958 when I was staying in Cas Bombu with my family and a massive forest fire broke out, cutting off the traffic to and from Artá for nearly two days. This is why the hills on the horizon are treeless. We were on one of our frecuent visits to spend a few days with my sisters boyfriend, now husband, parents, who owned a house on the then, untarmacced road, to Cala Agulla. They have since bought a house in Sa Font de Sa Cala and spend their summers there. Cheers

user Jerry | over 7 years ago

Well said Ron. The Towrag very rarely gets his facts right, but sure has an opinion on everything!

user Ron Burgundy | over 7 years ago

Simon,Cala Rajada doesn't have a beach - it's a port. Cala Rajada is not a village. That is Capdepera, 4Km away, and it does not have a single hotel.The March family did not build their estate in Cala Rajada. It is up on the headland approaching the Faro and Cala Literals.As most of this area is within the Llevante Park, no hotel development has taken place. Little, if any, private villa building is allowed either.You clearly know as much about this area as your execrable knowledge on how the hotel industry has developed. Leave it people who actually live there, and run hotels.

user Simon Tow | over 7 years ago

I hope that John C is taking the p..s, if not I know what the C stands for.

user Fred T | over 7 years ago

Agree with Mary, Eastern Europeans are becoming a big problem on the Island. We all know about the Nigerian mafia types and what a negative they are to Mallorca, but the Bulgarian/Romanian filth run a close second.