Etiqueta 'Balearics salaries'
As things stand, the pay for restaurants and clubs under collective bargaining equates, in general, to the lowest band for the hotels

As things stand, the pay for restaurants and clubs under collective bargaining equates, in general, to the lowest band for the hotels

As things stand, the pay for restaurants and clubs under collective bargaining equates, in general, to the lowest band for the hotels.

IRENE ARANGO 30/09/2024

Chambermaid in a Mallorca hotel

Latest headlines

Average Balearics salary below the national figure

An explanation for this lower average is the high number of employees on 'fijo discontinuo' contracts.

Andrew Ede23/06/2022 09:26

Hotel workers Mallorca

Hotel workers Mallorca

The average salary in Mallorca is below the national average.

Efe 22/11/2020

For the hospitality sector (hotels at any rate), salaries in the Balearics will rise by five per cent this year.


Salaries in the Balearics 11% below the national average

"Labour reform combined with economic growth have contributed to the creation of jobs, but salaries have hardly changed."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter16/01/2018 00:00