Sleep on it... One of the simplest ways to flavour food is to marinate it
Always marinate foods in the refrigerator and cover them with cling film.

Cream of chicken soup with herbed dumplings
Cream of chicken soup with herbed dumplings.
The perfect chicken soup
For most of us, soup represents nourishment, healing, and comfort.

Simple roast chicken
The best of these recipes for many people is a simple roast chicken. No stuffing. No bed of roasted root veggies. No fancy sauces.
Roast chicken must be kept very simple
When properly done to a delicious golden colour, this French classic served with a mound of chips and a green salad is one of the world’s great dishes.

Fiery chicken, chickpea & harrisa soup
Fiery chicken, chickpea & harrisa soup.
The Butchers Block...
A whole chicken is such a valuable and versatile ingredient, and if you get a little creative, it can easily supply fast, tasty meals for 3-4 days easily.
Posh dishes of the Seventies
Chicken Kyiv has gone out of fashion and I can’t remember the last time I saw it on a restaurant menu, but we can do it easily at home.