Etiqueta 'Shakespeare'
James Bond’s Mallorca villains
Juan March was the richest and allegedly “most unscrupulous man in Spain” and Ian Fleming, who first met March in September 1939 and later revived him as a model for several Bond villains.
Mallorca has so much talent
The Bulletin interviews the Cambridge-born actress, director, playwright, producer, coach and writer who has lived in Mallorca for over 30 years and has played a key role in introducing young Mallorcans to the works of Shakespeare while also discovering and helping local talent on stage and TV.

Northern Broadsides, is touring the Bards comedy ‘As You Like It’
Northern Broadsides, is touring the Bards comedy ‘As You Like It’ .

Nicholas Shakespeare at Ian Fleming’s desk in Goldeneye.
Nicholas Shakespeare at Ian Fleming’s desk in Goldeneye.
Much ado about nowt - Plus, it’s a ‘woke’ world now!
This week in Frank Confidential: - “If anyone wants to see and hear these repulsive northern accents on stage, bring a sick bucket.” The man’s a genius!
Frank Leavers06/04/2022 16:46