Etiqueta 'Spies in Mallorca'
James Bond’s Mallorca villains
Juan March was the richest and allegedly “most unscrupulous man in Spain” and Ian Fleming, who first met March in September 1939 and later revived him as a model for several Bond villains.

Very cunning indeed, hiring private detectives to snitch on illegal parties, is it legal?
Very cunning indeed, hiring private detectives to snitch on illegal parties, is it legal?
Enjoying Majorca
Mallorca: A nest of spies
Almost to this day 27 years ago, Ricardo Sicre Cerdá, aka Richard Stickler, died at his home in Palma. Originally from Barcelona, he was a republican who fled Spain.
Viewpoint: Spies like us at the party
Very cunning indeed, hiring private detectives to snitch on illegal parties, is it legal?
Humphrey Carter07/08/2021 09:36