It's still beach weather in Mallorca. | Toni Diez


It will not come as a great surprise to learn that the average temperature in Mallorca so far this October has been higher than usual. There were storms earlier in the month, but these didn't result in a significant fall in temperature. Otherwise, it has been a month when temperatures have consistently been above average, the met agency Aemet confirming on Thursday that the variation - up to October 20 - has been plus 2.6 degrees. The average for reference purposes is 22.9C; this October it has been 25.5C.

Aemet has produced a forecast up to November 2, accompanying this forecast by saying that average temperatures for the next seven to ten days will be even higher than usual - by around five degrees. This forecast doesn't indicate any appreciable rainfall until November 1, when around 20 litres per square metre are being predicted. There will not be any rain of note until October 30, and then only some five litres.