Camp de Mar - the Andratx Saturday forecast is for clear skies with occasional or high cloud and a high of 23C. | Toni Diez


Predictions for Saturday vary area by area, but the general forecast is for mostly sunny skies with some cloudy intervals and getting cloudier by the evening.

Sunday is also variable. More by way of cloud but a very low risk of any rain. On both Monday and Tuesday there is a high probability of showers across the island.

Forecast for Saturday as of Friday 7pm (UV rating 8):

  • Alcudia (14C) 24C, gentle north breeze veering east; humidity 60%. Three-day forecast - Sun: 25, Mon: 23, Tue: 24.
  • Andratx (13C) 23C, light south breeze; humidity 60%. Sun: 23, Mon: 23, Tue: 24.
  • Binissalem (12C) 26C, gentle south breeze increasing to moderate northeast; humidity 45%. Sun: 26, Mon: 25, Tue: 26.
  • Deya (12C) 22C, gentle north breeze easing to calm; humidity 55%. Sun: 22, Mon: 22, Tue: 23.
  • Palma (13C) 24C, moderate south breeze easing to light; humidity 50%. Sun: 23, Mon: 25, Tue: 26.
  • Pollensa (13C) 25C, gentle north breeze veering east; humidity 60%. Sun: 26, Mon: 24, Tue: 26.
  • Porreres (12C) 26C, gentle south breeze increasing to moderate southeast; humidity 45%. Sun: 26, Mon: 25, Tue: 27.
  • Sant Llorenç (13C) 25C, moderate south breeze easing to gentle southeast; humidity 55%. Sun: 25, Mon: 25, Tue: 25.
  • Santanyi (13C) 24C, gentle south breeze backing southeast; humidity 55%. Sun: 24, Mon: 24, Tue: 25.
  • Sineu (13C) 25C, calm increasing to moderate southeast breeze; humidity 45%. Sun: 26, Mon: 24, Tue: 25.

* Light breeze to 11 km/h; gentle to 19; moderate to 28.

Friday summary (as of 7pm) - Highs of 28.1 Pollensa, 27.2 Muro and Sa Pobla, 26.8 Puerto Pollensa, 26.4 Binissalem and Colonia Sant Pere, 25.9 Llucmajor, 25.6 Petra, 25.5 Sineu, 25.4 Manacor, 25.2 Banyalbufar and Santa Maria, 25.1 Arta and Porreres, 24.9 Sant Elm, 24.6 Can Sion (Campos), 24.2 Palma University, 24.1 Puerto Soller; Lows of 4.1 Son Torrella (Escorca), 7.7 Lluc, 8.2 Can Sion, 9.8 Palma University.