Bay of Pollensa (that's the old Hotel Formentor in the background) - Forecast high of 34C in Pollensa on Thursday. | Humphrey Carter


Some very warm temperatures forecast for Thursday as there also are for Friday. Occasional or high cloud on Thursday; very pleasant with low humidity.

The fine and hot weather will last until Saturday, when temperatures are expected to fall in areas. For Sunday there is a slight chance of rain, this increasing on Monday and Tuesday. The current forecast for Tuesday indicates temperatures falling to around 24-25C. We'll see how that situation develops.

The charts below indicate falls in temperature at the weekend and the possibility of rain early next week. Weather stations suggest this rain may be more widespread.

Weather charts for Mallorca up to June 18, 2024
Temperatures (north and southwest) and rainfall (north) up to June 18. @AEMET_Baleares.

Forecast for Thursday as of Wednesday 7pm (UV rating 9):

  • Alcudia (17C) 30C, moderate southeast breeze easing to gentle; humidity 30%. Three-day forecast - Fri: 28, Sat: 32, Sun: 29.
  • Andratx (17C) 29C, gentle southeast breeze; humidity 30%. Fri: 32, Sat: 27, Sun: 26.
  • Binissalem (16C) 33C, gentle southeast breeze; humidity 25%. Fri: 35, Sat: 32, Sun: 29.
  • Deya (17C) 30C, light north breeze easing to calm; humidity 30%. Fri: 33, Sat: 29, Sun: 26.
  • Palma (18C) 34C, gentle southeast breeze; humidity 25%. Fri: 35, Sat: 28, Sun: 28.
  • Pollensa (18C) 34C, moderate southeast breeze; humidity 30%. Fri: 31, Sat: 34, Sun: 30.
  • Porreres (14C) 32C, moderate southeast breeze easing to gentle; humidity 25%. Fri: 33, Sat: 31, Sun: 29.
  • Sant Llorenç (16C) 29C, moderate southeast breeze easing to gentle; humidity 40%. Fri: 29, Sat: 32, Sun: 31.
  • Santanyi (16C) 28C, moderate southeast breeze backing east; humidity 35%. Fri: 29, Sat: 29, Sun: 28.
  • Sineu (17C) 31C, moderate southeast breeze easing to gentle; humidity 30%. Fri: 32, Sat: 31, Sun: 29.

* Light breeze to 11 km/h; gentle to 19; moderate to 28.

Wednesday summary (as of 7pm) - Highs of 32.1 Pollensa, 31.9 Muro, 30.3 Puerto Pollensa, 29.3 Colonia Sant Pere, 29.2 Arta, 29.1 Petra, 28.7 Sineu, 28.5 Binissalem, 28.6 Porreres, 28.0 Llucmajor, 27.9 Lluc and Manacor, 27.7 Can Sion (Campos), 27.6 Sant Elm, 27.5 Santa Maria; Lows of 8.9 Son Torrella (Escorca), 11.2 Can Sion, 12.5 Palma University, 13.0 Salines Llevant (Campos), 13.2 Arta.