A few fine days ahead before the weekend. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


After the largest snowfall since March 2023 over the weekend the next few days will remain dry and slightly warmer. On Tuesday, few clouds are expected in Mallorca. Night-time temperatures will drop, while daytime temperatures will be similar or rise slightly. The wind will blow between light and moderate from the north and northeast. The weather forecast from the Aemet for Wednesday indicates predominantly few clouds. Temperatures will be similar and the wind will blow moderately from the north and northeast.

But, the unstable weather could return from Friday, when rainfall, light snowfall above 1,000 metres and a drop in temperatures are expected. This was explained by the deputy spokesperson for the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) in the Balearics, Miquel Gili, who nevertheless indicated that the forecasts for the next few days are much more stable.

On Tuesday and Wednesday there will be predominantly clear skies, predominantly light gusts of wind from the north and a calm sea. As for temperatures, the maximums are expected to range between 14 and 17 degrees, reaching 18 at some point on Wednesday. The night-time temperatures, however, could be below zero in some parts of the Serra de Tramuntana and inland Mallorca, where there could be frost.

Thursday will be a day of meteorological transition, when the first clouds will begin to arrive, giving way to a front that, from Friday afternoon, could bring rain. Above an altitude of 1,000 metres, there could also be some light snowfall like that seen over the last few days. The rain could last throughout the weekend, when temperatures are expected to drop.