News of the day 2 November 2019
News / Latest headlines
José Antonio Álvarez, who has now concluded an eight-year stint as airport director.


Three per cent more passengers at Palma airport in 2019

In José Antonio Álvarez's time as airport director, passenger numbers have increased by seven million.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The secretary's apartment is in this building.

Town halls

Santanyi municipal secretary has had free apartment for 30 years

The free accommodation relates to a Franco era decree from 1952.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Richard Branson's Son Bunyola property.


Further changes required for Branson hotel project

Among the stipulations are the type of earth to be used for terraces.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Ava in her Halloween hat

What's On

Events in Majorca on Saturday / Sunday

Inca, Fira de l’Art, Autumn and Pumkin Fair in Muro and music at Cala Millor.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Flea market at Consell

What's On

Where to go and What to see

Cruise ships in port, markets to visit and films to see in English.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Bulletin will be at the World Travel Market in London


Bulletin big in London

The Majorca Daily Bulletin promotes the Balearics at World Travel Market, London.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The cat was on a pontoon in the port.

Animal welfare

Cat rescued from pontoon in Palma

The cat was first spotted last Sunday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Andreu Serra of the Council of Majorca.


"Majorca will always be home for the British"

Interview with Andreu Serra, councillor for tourism and sport at the Council of Majorca.

Humphrey Carter

The giant pumpkin contest at the Muro fair.

What's On

Fairs and events in Majorca on Sunday

Fairs in Inca, Marratxi and Muro; the final show for Apocalipsis - Circus of Horrors at Son Fusteret in Palma.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment


Not good

“I bet Johnson thought it was Christmas when Trump gave his support...”

Jason Moore

Edition of 2 November 2019