Anna Nicholas
Anna Nicholas

All of the Mallorca based crime novels & travel books by Anna Nicholas, are available from Come In, La Savina & Llibres Colom in Palma, Alameda gift shop in Soller, Atelier in Fornalutx & also at all good UK bookshops & via amazon.


My Column by Anna Nicholas

Luckily, the Neolithic temple has become visible once more due to the drought in the western part of the peninsula.

Anna Nicholas 24/08/2019 09:57


My Column

Iman Barlow and her boxer boyfriend bravely thwarted a robbery here in Majorca.

Anna Nicholas 17/08/2019 09:41


My column

Anna Nicholas’s latest Majorca title is A Chorus of Cockerels. Her first crime novel, The Devil’s Horn, will be published October 10. Follow her at

Anna Nicholas 10/08/2019 10:12


My Column

Anna talks about tourists, the environment and getting back to life here on the island.

Anna Nicholas 03/08/2019 13:55