One of the centres of night life in Palma is the Paseo Marítimo, where parking is at a premium. But all that will change tomorrow, when the city council will free two lanes to be used for parking between 10pm and 6am on Fridays, Saturdays and the eves of holidays. A council spokesman said yesterday that the new measure will provide 215 new parking places, and will also limit the speed of traffic, as the number of lanes in each direction will be reduced from three to two on those days. Cars travelling in the direction of the airport can park in the far left lane from after the Can Barbera bridge to the Auditorium, while those travelling towards Andratx can park on the far left lane from Calle Pedrera, just before the start of the Can Barbara bridge. A council spokesman said that the signs would be in place by today. He added that they had hoped to provide a further 80 parking spaces on the Can Barbara bridge, but the port authority, which has jurisdiction in this area, has prevented them from doing so. Traders and car hire firms have been asked not to use these supplementary parking spaces. The traffic department has also been active in other parts of the city and announced that a new set of traffic lights would be operating from today at the junction of Calle Canónigo Sancho Nebot and Camí Nou in the Son Cladera district, which neighbours say is a notorious black spot for accidents.