by Staff Reporter
THE Palma city council is planning to introduce bylaws to curb the botellón or binge drinking which takes place mainly at weekends, and the young people themselves who indulge in this habit will be consulted.

Councillor Marina Sans, who is in charge of the health and consumer affairs department, said that the first draft of “the new bylaw regulating the consumption of alcohol in the streets should be ready in time for the council's plenary session in September, or October at the latest.” There will be a period of several weeks in which suggestions or objections can be lodged.
Sans said it was her intention to give the opposition a copy of the first draft in the first two weeks of September, so that they can study it before the plenary session.

The new bylaw will ban the consumption of alcohol in the streets between 10pm and 8am, a ban which in the case of under-18s will apply all day long.
Fines will range from 30 to 300 euros. She said that young people have been invited to comment on the draft by the council's own youth department.
Sans said that “alcohol is a public health problem which goes beyond the binge drinking in the streets, and for that reason, everyone should become involved.” She said that in recent months agreements have been signed with Projecte Home and the Spanish federation of distillers, to introduce preventive measures among young people.