Núria Terradas, Gabriela Espinosa and Marina Canals.


As last year, the Christmas Eve Matins service in Lluc will be held behind doors. Only direct family of members of the Blauets choir will attend. The service will be streamed live from 7pm via the Santuari de Lluc Facebook page and somillencs.com.

The Christmas Eve Matins in Lluc has the same three key elements as elsewhere in Mallorca. Six-year-old Gabriela Espinosa from Bunyola, the youngest member of the choir, will perform the Sermó de la Calenda, the sixteenth-century text that announces the birth of the Son of God.

Marina Canals, 12 and from Puerto Alcudia, will sing El Cant de l'Àngel, the Song of the Angel, which originated in Lluc in the late nineteenth century. Fifteen-year-old Núria Terradas from Palma will perform the Song of the Sybil, El Cant de la Sibil·la, a Unesco item of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The first documented Mallorquí version of the Sibil·la comes from the late fourteenth century.