Palma's Plaça Major was packed on Sunday afternoon. | Última hora


On Sunday afternoon, hundreds of people gathered in Palma's Plaça Major in defence of Catalan. The call was for Marga Prohens' Partido Popular government to not be intimated by Vox, who are said to be seeking to undermine the Catalan language by eliminating its use from Balearic public life.

Specific developments include removing the requirement for Catalan in the health service, the pilot scheme for choice of teaching language (Castellano rather than Catalan), and reform of the Statute of Autonomy whereby Catalan would cease to be an official language and be replaced by the 'Balearic language'.

Called by the Obra Cultural Balear, the Day of the Language coincided with the final stage of the 'Correlengua', the annual run with the flame of the language (Catalan).

Among those present were Francina Armengol, the ex-president of the Balearics and now the president (speaker) of Congress, as well as other members of her party, PSOE, and representatives of Més and El Pi.