Guardia Civil and Llucmajor Police at the scene on Wednesday night. | MDB


As the police had feared, trouble has arisen elsewhere as a consequence of young Algerian men having been driven out of the Son Gotleu district of Palma.

They have moved to Arenal (Llucmajor). On Wednesday night around 10.30, a group of Algerians attacked an elderly woman and attempted to steal her phone and other valuables. Neighbours and passers-by witnessed what was going on, went to the woman's assistance and then became engaged in a confrontation.

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Some 200 gypsies gathered. They said that they were going to lynch the Algerians. At the very least, they insisted that they would be kicking them out of Arenal, just as had been done in Son Gotleu.

There was a crowd outside a building which the Algerians have occupied: "Out with the Algerians. Out with the Algerians. If they could do it in Son Gotleu, Arenal can kick them out as well."

Llucmajor Police broke up the mob, telling the gypsies they would keep watch over the building during the night. The gypsies called for the town hall to send a team first thing on Thursday and board up properties to prevent them from being occupied.