Furthermore, what makes this new journey particularly special for Laura is that she first came to Mallorca on family holidays with her parents, mainly to Alcudia, and she admits that she has always loved Mallorca. Apart from having been back and forth filming for A Place in the Sun, she has returned for holidays, weekends in Palma “with the girls”. It appears that it has been pretty hard to keep her away from the island she has now made a serious commitment to.
And only last week, she spent half term with her family on the island mixing business with pleasure. Because her new Pollensa property, which she bought at the end of August, is a giant building site, they stayed at the Iberostar Selection Albufera Playa, which she said is “amazing”, being right on the beach, while checking up on how the early stages of work on her Pollensa property is coming along and also finding time to talk to the Bulletin.

Q.— Laura, you’ve spent 12 years travelling pretty much everywhere in the world presenting A Place in the Sun helping people buy houses overseas, why did you decide to buy your first overseas property project in Mallorca?
A. — I’ve been very lucky. I’ve travelled a great deal with the show but also in my personal life. There’s still much of the world I want to see, but yes, I’ve visited a lot of places but I’ve always loved Mallorca. I know it’s a large island in the Balearics, but when you compare it to the mainland, for example, for an island it offers so much. I love the city of Palma, the architecture, the food, the people and there are amazing vineyards on the island. It’s mountainous; look we’re sat here on the beach looking out to sea but we’re surrounded by mountains. It’s lush, it’s green, the beaches are amazing, it’s family friendly. There’s just so much about it that I’ve always loved and both my children first came here when they were just three weeks old. And I remember being with a girl, Sarah, who was looking after the kids while I was filming and I said to her back then that I was going to buy a place here one day. Now I’ve done it, and that’s very much me. When I say I’m going to do something, it will happen. It may not have happened straight away, but it was always there, bubbling away.
Q.— Why did you choose Pollensa town?
A. — Now, that’s an interesting one because there are so many parts of Mallorca which are so beautiful. I actually said it would be Soller, but it’s out of my price range now for what I wanted. But I was out here filming in June with a lovely couple who were in fact relocating from Australia. The partner had been here when she was younger and wanted to come back with her husband and young daughter and they were basing their search around Pollensa. It’s interesting because I always thought that if I was going to buy a property it would be near or right on the coast, on the beach, but I opted for Pollensa because I wanted somewhere which was going to be all year round. I’m a real outdoor person, I love cycling for example, and I suddenly liked the idea of being in a town where I could literally step out of my front door and within minutes be by the cafés, bars and shops. For the time being, I don’t plan to live here. My children, Rocco, 10, and Tahlia, 9, are in school in the UK, but it does feel like down the line, who knows, I might end up thinking I’ve loved being in a town but now I’d like to live on a finca in the country. Having bought in town I hope that it is going to appeal to people looking to live here all year round. It’s a good catchment area for schools and all the other amenities. But for me, I love the idea that it is going to be somewhere where I can come and spend a weekend, bring my friends. Everything is accessible, I can jump in the car and be on the beach in ten minutes and I can also come here for a few weeks in the summer. It just felt right and it’s a major renovation project, which is just so me.

Q.— This is your twentieth renovation project?
A. — It is, but I’ve never done a renovation overseas, so it’s very much a learning process. I’ve already learnt so much through the buying process, how it all works and I’m loving the fact that as I go through the process I’m going to be able to help educate people along the way.
Q.— From your years of experience, what are Britons looking for most in a property overseas?
A. — Most people look for a two-bedroom apartment that’s close to the beach which they will have the ability to let their friends and family stay in, rent out or live in full time themselves. That is what I’d say is the most popular type of property. But we do get people who are looking for houses more inland. Last week, for example, I had a permanent relocation to mainland Spain and I’m filming next week on the mainland. But I think the beauty of where I am on the island is that I’m in a town, I’m inland, surrounded by the mountains, the lush green, the little cobbled streets, but I can be on the beach in just ten minutes.

Q.— Is Mallorca still a very popular destination in the UK?
A. — I think so, yes. We don’t film loads in Mallorca. To be honest I think that’s because property prices in the Balearics is general are slightly higher than the mainland, although having said that there are parts which are incredibly expensive. When you look at the Costa del Sol prices are very much the same. But what is also interesting about Mallorca is there are still areas where there is plenty of affordable property. The other day someone was telling me that So Pobla, for example, is an area which people should keep an eye on because there are reasonable investments to be found. It’s got to spread out, you’ve got Palma which is mega and the likes of Andratx which are all very expensive, but it has to filtrate out and there are still plenty of affordable properties to be had here. But I love it and I do want to be here a bit more if I can.
Q.— Why do Britons want to leave the UK. Is it just the weather or is there more to it?
A. — I think mainly it’s the weather. That said, when I arrived this time we had a downpour and on the last few occasions, we’ve had some dodgy weather, but we need rain to keep the island so lush. That said, I think most people do like to have seasons, but they want to have a proper summer that feels like summer. In the UK this year the summer was a complete washout. People love A Place in the Sun because it’s escapism, it’s blue skies, it’s sunshine, it’s achievable, obtainable and I do think there is a lot to be said about the pandemic. People are now looking at options with regard to leaving the UK. People have a much greater flexibility to work from home, so if you can work remotely then why not do it in a beautiful destination with great weather like Mallorca. I think personally that travel has so many benefits. For example, my kids: They’re confident, they speak a little bit of Spanish, they love the outdoors lifestyle and I think it’s so educational going to different places. If you can have that experience of living overseas, even if it’s just for a bit, then why not? So I do think as bad as the pandemic was, it has changed people’s mindset.

Q.— And for you, Mallorca ticks all the right boxes, how’s your Spanish?
A. — Yes it does. My Spanish is ok, it’s not fluent, I’d like to speak it better but obviously the more time I’m here, it will improve. But I’m learning plenty of building lingo, trade talk and I think that is particularly important, especially when it comes to dealing with the town hall, building permissions, etc. I think being able to speak a bit of Spanish in those situations goes a long way.
Q.— Your advice to anyone thinking about coming out to Mallorca to buy?
A. — On the one hand I’d say do it, but on the other I don’t want loads of people to be here. That’s the thing, it is a beautiful place, you want to promote it and encourage people to come, but at the same time you don’t want it to become too busy. But I’d say to anyone who is thinking about buying abroad to just do it. In a way I feel gutted that I left it as long as I did. I wish I’d done it sooner, but then at the same time I’m like well I’m doing it now and I’ve got a good few years left in me yet to enjoy it. I took the children to the house for the first time this week and that’s really important to me - that they see the project from start to finish. They’re involved and it was interesting because they didn’t complain that it isn’t on the beach. They were pleased it is in town, near the shops and all the action. Obviously I’m looking forward to when I can spend time with them in the house because right now it’s all rubble and it might take a while to complete; next Christmas most likely. Who knows because you can’t do building work at certain times of the year, there are licences and all the rest of it, but I’m working with someone really great locally, Justine Knox, and I do feel that is important. I’m so lucky I’ve got house hunters who I filmed with in June. They are here as well and Justine is advising me on the rules and regulations and it’s so important to me that what I do, I do it right, and that it’s high quality. I’m really looking forward to when I can spend time with the children in the house. I can’t wait, plus on my social media platforms people can follow me through my new Mallorca journey and pick up some vital tips about undertaking a renovation project on the island.
To follow Laura in Mallorca:
www.myrenovationinthesun.com and www.laurahamiltonofficial.com
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If you love Mallorca, you will not buy any property here and will leave it to the locals.