While Spain was sitting around the tree or nursing a gin and tonic, watching the King’s speech, acting PM, Pedro Sanchez, who had a good idea about what the King was going to say, probably nipped off for one of his runs. The Constitution was the king’s buzzword. In fact, that is what Spain in general appears to be talking about, even those who would like to reform or even scrap it, along with the monarchy.

On the eve of Christmas Eve it looked as if, thanks to Brussels and the European Court of Justice, Sanchez was not far off forming a coalition with the backing of the extreme left independent Catalan party ERC. However, they neither believe in the constitution nor the monarchy, so what is Sanchez to do without monumentally annoying the king?

Catch 22 for both really. The King made it clear this summer in Palma that he wanted no more elections but a government. So far Sanchez has failed. Spain has had an autumn election and if Sanchez can’t square things up, there could be another in the New Year.

So what is super cool Sanchez supposed to do? Allow the ERC into bed or turn down any offers of support they may make? He needs them to form a government because another election could open the door to a right-wing coalition and Sanchez will be made to look a right twit to be honest.