STAFF REPORTER A clean-up programme organised by Palma City Council has given 20 unemployed and handicapped people the chance to contribute to an important upgrade of coastal areas around the capital.

Environment Councillor Cristina Cerdó who is also head of Palma's water management and cleaning company, Emaya, was down on the beach in Cala Mayor yesterday seeing for herself the work being undertaken through the job restart programme, “Reactiva't”. Thanks to their work, the Environment department has been able to bring a much tidier look to five beaches and eight bathing areas in the municipality of Palma. And it's not just a question of getting rid of rubbish - the new employees are making sure safety installations are in place that accesses to the beach are in good order, that information services are to hand and that beach users and bathers can feel comfortable in an environment which remains sustainable.

The clean-up group has also been busy in the Playa de Palma where it has retrieved sand from roadways and gardens and returned it to the beach, made good the watch towers where lifeguards sit, removed graffiti and reconditioned the beach showers.