Palma.—More than 50 schools on Majorca will be joining a protest against government cuts in Education tomorrow by going on strike for a day.
The so-called “Plataforma Crida” to which the supporting schools belong, will instead be using the centres for organising community education assemblies.

Members will be taking the opportunity to evaluate the consequences of cuts in Education being imposed by the present Balearic government, and to read out a platform manifesto which has been put together by teachers, parents and children.

The theme of tomorrow's protest closures will be “28N, closed because of the cuts, open for education.” The idea to close for a day apparently arose during one of the meetings which Plataforma Criada has held on the first Wednesday of every month since last March. The lobby has said the ongoing purpose of the meetings is to let the community at large know the reality of what is happening in schools on the island as a result of the government funding cuts. A spokesman added that the day's closure will end with a variety of activities such as a communal meal made from ecologically produced food, musical and theatrical entertainment, “devil” folk dances, screening of films and games for children.

It is expected that children, parents and teachers will spend the night at the schools to emphasise their anger over lack of resources.