THE Balearic government was giving a hand to devoted fathers yesterday by announcing a wage subsidy for those who wanted to take time off work in the event of real need, to help their wives look after the home and children. The move is seen as cementing government measures to promote the role of the father in the day-to-day running of the household, thus giving women a further chance to return to work. Rosa Puig, regional minister for the President's Office and Sports, confirmed yesterday that the Balearic government is setting aside one million euros, a considerable increase on last year's half million, to provide monthly subsidies of 150 euros “per father” for a maximum period of 12 months. The money can be claimed by men who wish to work only half a day so that they can spend time at home, looking after, for example, a sick child. Although these cash subsidies are not exclusively reserved for men, Puig pointed out that it is generally speaking the fathers, as opposed to mothers, who will be asking for time off work to help out in the home. The government is promoting other measures to share out responsibility between men and women in the home.